Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Computer problems!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Week Eleven, Watch Out Guatemala!
Look Out
June 1st-7th
(a.The road least taken!) (b.The highest pyramid at Tikal)
Day 71, Mon:
On Monday morning John, Itai, Marcus and Kindra did the morning yoga. After that we went into town to do internet, and have a little pizza. Kindra went to the market for a few needed items while John worked on posting the blog for last week. The internet connections in
(a.Tree top room at Parrot Nest) (b.Dinning area at Parrot Nest)
Day 72, Tues:
Again on Tuesday morning, John, Itai, Marcus and 4 travelers from
(a.Pac Man John) (b.El Paraiso, near Tikal)
Day 73, Wed:
On Wednesday we got up around 5am and headed to

Day 74, Thurs:
Thursday we headed out towards Lanquin… little did we know how poor the road we would travel on would be. A 4 hour drive turned into an 8 hour journey (flashbacks of the Baja). A side from the 10 to 15 mph speeds for more than 6 hours and the flat tire around dusk, the trip was a joy. Seriously, we were able to see some of the most magnificent views and vistas of the trip thus far. We were able to see a part of
( Flat tire on a bad road!)
Day 75 & 76, Fri & Sat.:
On Friday morning John woke early to fix (for good) the flat tire that went flat again during the night. After a nice breakfast we had the local tour guide, an 11 year old Guatemalan boy named Chrisanto, take us though the Gruta de Lanquin. It was very cool for John’s first enclosed caving experience. There were a lot of huge stalactites and stalagmites in the shape of different animals along with some mall limestone crystal formations. Walking though the cave only took about an hour, and after a dip in the frigid waters of the river and a little lunch we packed up and headed towards Coban and Samuc Champey. The drive was only about 15-20 miles away although again we had to travel on some pretty “unfinished” roads, so it took us a couple of hours! We pulled into the small camping area before dark and Itai gave us a little lesson on the history and current events of
(Crisanto, our 11 yr old tour guide) (Just after a tour through the cave)
The next morning we took our time getting ourselves together. We packed lunch and headed down to the pools for a hike and a swim. Before hiking down to the pools we ran into our little tour guide friend from Lanquin, Chrisanto, and he offered again his guide services and we thankfully accepted. Although we probably did not need a guide, it was nice to have a little companion with us and he was fun to be around. The hike around the falls was really something and again we saw a few howler monkeys. It was a very steep climb that took about a half hour. The viewpoint on the hillside of Samuc Champey was breathtaking and John had never seen anything quite so impressive. From above on the mountain side looking down on the pools they look like a terrace of crystal clear blue green pools with mineral rock formations in the middle and on the sides, like little islands and peninsulas. Getting closer to the pools we could see that the river actually runs through a cave beneath the pools and the pools are formed by the small amount of water from the same river that trickles over the ground above the cave. Down stream we could see the mouth of the cave where the powerful river gushes out of the hillside and the calm clear pools above. It’s an incredible place… one of the wonders of the world for sure (at least for us)! We swam, ate lunch, and returned to the camp spot to check on Wallace, who was not allowed in the park so we left him in the camper. When we returned we played a few rounds of the “dice” game (thanks Tana) with some local boys who were thrilled to have some attention paid to them. Itai and John headed back down to the pools for a second dip and on the way back ran into Kindra. So we (John and Kindra) finished off the day with yet another swim in the pools.
(Can you find the butterfly? It's yellow)
Day 78, Sun: Coban,
We intended on driving all the way to
(Itah and Aviv pitched their tent in the playground)
Our first week in
peace and love
John and Kindra
Monday, June 1, 2009
Week Ten, Island Fun and Waterfalls
May 25th – May 31st
(John and Wallace on the dock @C.C)
Day 64, Mon.: ‘Parrot Nest’ Bullet Tree,
It is holiday in
Day 65 & 66, Tues. & Wed: Caye (pronounced ‘key’) Caulker
On Tuesday we packed up to go to Caye Caulker (a small island off the coast of
(disembarking the Caye Caulker Ferry)
(Our cabana @ Bella's on C.C)
(paddling around to the split on Caye Caulker free canoeing!)
The next morning we took Wallace out for a walk into the small town center and John got a cup of coffee at a little restaurant. We walked down the beach and through a small nature preserve, where some replanting of native plants and flora was taking place. After the walk John bought some fresh fruit (pineapple, watermelon, orange, and papaya) from a local woman who had it all cut up and ready to eat for breakfast. We spent the afternoon taking turns watching Wallace, snorkeling, napping and swimming. The water on the Caye is crystal clear, and both of us were able to see lots of tropical fish, star fish, sting rays and we kept our eyes out for the reef sharks that live by the split… no luck though… although maybe that’s a good thing! Even though they don’t hurt you it still freaks us out. Wallace enjoyed hanging out in the shade all day. We had a simple little lunch of bread from the French bakery, cheese and the local brand ‘Marie Sharps’ corn chips and habanera hot sauce. We seem to eat hot sauce these day’s like salsa. After coming back from the beach that afternoon we both showered and relaxed a bit before going to the store again for some supplies for dinner. We only brought a small amount of cash so we had to go with Mac n Cheese! We cooked dinner again at the hostel and watched a movie on TV. As we are on such a budget, “going out” in the evening is not really an option for us and we were content to just relax and chill at the hostel. Kindra made friends with some girls who had been traveling in
(the split @ Caye Caulker)
(the view from the beach @ "the split" on C.C)
(John eating his new favorite fruit, mamae)
(Kindra w/ the local chips Marie Sharps)
(nice underwater shot @ the split C.C)
(Wallace likes the hammocks here too!)
(the sunset behind Bellas on Caye Caulker)
Day 67-70, Thur.- Sun: Bullet Tree,
We packed up on Thursday morning and caught the 10am ferry off the island back to
(our home for the last 2 weeks, oh so nice!)
Friday we went into town in the morning, after doing some Bikram Yoga and a little swim in the river. We found a local Pizza restaurant that had free wifi internet and we ordered pizza (Our first time eating out since we have been on the trip). The food was great and after a half an hour or so of getting the wireless connection up and running, we managed to post the blog, respond to some emails, and do some couch surfing for Guatemala. While Kindra worked on the online stuff, John ran into a nice couple from
( our new friends Itai and Aviv on our tubing excursion)
The next morning we did our morning Yoga together and went for a swim in the river. We (Itai, Aviv, Kindra and John) all went into town for the Saturday morning market where we all bought some produce, fresh peanut butter, and papoosas for lunch. We also filled our propane tank and stopped off for water before heading back to the Nest. This took most of the morning and afternoon so when we returned Kindra worked on drilling some holes in local seeds we have found here on the property, and John cleaned, organized and did some repairs on the camper. We all got our bathing suits on and decided to do a little tubing down the river… how relaxing and refreshing! The river flows at just the right speed; you get the maximum amount of tube time with a minimum amount of walking to get back to the house. That night Itai and Aviv cooked us all dinner. They made a delicious fresh vegetable/ginger stir-fry and rice, how nice to have someone cook for us 2 times in one day. We were happy to do the dishes as a trade off!!!
Sunday morning we (Marcus, Itai, John and Kindra) had ourselves a small Yoga class at 7:30. We did a Bikram series together and then swam in the river (again!). After some time lapsed photography of hair cutting on Itai and Marcus (Itai has a really nice camera that he did it with) Marcus, John, Kindra, Itai, Aviv, Theo, Chleo and Wallace all headed out to ‘Big Rock’ falls for lunch and swimming. Since it was a tight squeeze with everyone in Itai and Aviv’s 4 Runner, Marcus and John stood outside the car on the running rails and held on to the roof rack the rest of the way to the falls. Once again the falls were beautiful and we were happy to get to experience them a second time (with us being the only ones there). On our way back we stopped at the popular ‘soy’ ice cream shop that is only open 4 days a week for a few hours in the late afternoon. It was delicious! Kindra got orange and vanilla (like a creamcicle) and John got chocolate and vanilla soft serve. Yum!!! We got back to around 6 pm, and started to cook dinner in the camper for the CS’rs (Couch Surfers) as Theo’s kitchen was in use for her 8 other guests staying in rooms. And boy does it gets hot in the camper when you cook! After dinner, Marcus put up the “movie sheet screen” and we watched Monsters vs. Aliens, very funny!
All together the last couple of weeks here in
(on the way to the falls riding on the sides of the truck, natural AC baby)
(Theo and Chloe on the way home from the falls w/our little boy, he loves everyone)
(Aviv, John, Kindra, Chloe and Theo @ big rock falls)
peace and love,
Kindra, John and our confident little swimming pug (life jacket included) Wallace.